
    2023-04-03 15:36:45           浏览数:0





  1. 主持国家农产品质量安全风险评估重大专项“特色农产品未知危害因子识别与已知危害因子安全性评估”,2014年01月至2018年12月;


  3. 主持科技部农业科技资金转化项目“蜂产品质量追溯系统中试与推广”(2011GB23260024),2011年4月-2013年4月;

  4. 科技部中泰政府间科技合作项目“中泰龙眼蜂蜜产地溯源和活性表征分析技术”(21-SV-05C),2016年1月-2017年12月;



  1. Sun, F.; Tan, H.; Y Li, Yang, S.; A novel calibration strategy based on isotopic distribution for high-throughput quantitative analysis of pesticides and veterinary drugs using LC-HRMS, J Hazard Mater, 430 (2022).

  2. Tan, H.; Sun, F.; Y Li, Yang, S.; Background ions into exclusion list: A new strategy to enhance the efficiency of DDA data collection for high-throughput screening of chemical contaminations in food, Food Chem, 385 (2022) 132669.

  3. Yang, S.; Liu, Y.; Y Li, Gelsedine-type alkaloids: Discovery of natural neurotoxins presented in toxic honey. J Hazard Mater 2020, 381, 120999.

  4. Sun, F.; Tan, H.; et al., Yang, S.; An integrated data-dependent and data-independent acquisition method for hazardous compounds screening in foods using a single UHPLC-Q- Orbitrap run. J Hazard Mater 2021, 401, 123266.

  5. Yang, S.; Li, Y.; et al., Toxicokinetics of alpha-zearalenol and its masked form in rats and the comparative biotransformation in liver microsomes from different livestock and humans. J Hazard Mater 2020, 393, 121403. (IF=10.588, Q1).

  6. Qianqian Li, Shupeng Yang, Bei Li, Chaoyang Zhang, Yi Li,* Jianxun Li,Exploring critical metabolites of honey peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) from five main cultivation regions in the north of China by UPLC-Q-TOF/MS combined with chemometrics and modeling, Food Research International 157 (2022) 111213.

  7. Qianqian Li, Shupeng Yang, Rong Zhang, Shuyan Liu, Chaoyang Zhang, Yi Li,*Jianxun Li.Characterization of honey peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) aroma variation and unraveling the potential aroma metabolism mechanism through proteomics analysis under abiotic stress. Food Chemistry 386 (2022) 132720.

  8. Jianxun Li, Wenhui Chen, Kailin Deng, Shuyan Liu, Bei Li, and Yi L. Monitoring and dietary exposure assessment of pesticide residues  in strawberry in Beijing, China. FOOD ADDITIVES & CONTAMINANTS: PART B 2022, VOL. 15, NO. 2, 98–105.
